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Tony Coffee (aka Bulletbutter) - Production Leader

So I've been into gaming ever since I was old enough to work an atari controller. Grew up playing NES, SNES, Genesis, PSOne, PS2, Xbox, 360, Wii and games on the PC. 

For me, creating a online presence started when I began playing Starcraft. I created a team, 

TnTProductions and have been creating projects for various games ever since. With skills in Unreal Editor, SCMDraft, Galaxy Editor, Warcraft 3 Map Editor and a few pieces of work I have unpublished with TorchED and NWNToolset.

Current goals are to hopefully break into the gaming industry one day, but, this all a hobby so Im cool with keeping it local. Everything you see on this site was born of my ideas or a collaboration from the TnTProductions team.

Tony Coffee (aka Tccannons) - Assistant Production Leader

Joined the team when we started making maps for SC1. Was responsible for ALL map designs and basically made them all from scratch. I put in the trigger work with some help from other team members as well as balancing. Currently going strong continuing to make maps for SC2 and pitches ideas for new game types. Below you can see most of his work.

Aaron Followill (aka biggins) - Multimedia Coordinator I

"An MLG kid my favorite series has to be Halo next i have played borderlands, borderlands 2, mirrios edge, modder warfare 1-3 , COD Balck ops,every single Final Fantasy favorite is 7 i have also owned a NES my goal for TnT productions is to help develope the music for the machinima and hopefully expand and help them grow. Learning C++ and java Script and I am working with mixing music"

Shinndiah Followill (aka FallenAngel) - Graphic Artist

Bio....coming soon



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